Dentex Fish | Daathi


You’ve probably seen this fish in stores and from street sellers, however they frequently pass it off as Heera, Dhotar, Paplet, and other well-known fish. Few people actually know its name.

The size you get: Each fish weighs between 1 and 5 kg.

Note: The weight of the seafood before cleaning or cutting determines all of our rates and billings. Depending on the type of cleaning you select, the net weight at the time of delivery may vary.

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Locally called Daathi, dentex fish are closely similar to Red Snapper (Heera) and Grunter (Dhotar) in terms of taste and appearance. Although it is extremely seasonal, Dentex – Daathi is noted for having excellent fish for frying and curry. Coastal locations are where daathi is typically captured. A Daathi that weighs more than 1 kg is regarded as being excellent for all sorts of culinary needs. Daathi is not frequently found in stores and roadside fishmongers since it is not a common catch in Pakistani waters.

Taste Profile

In addition to being a fantastic game fish, dentex is also well known for its flavor and scent. When cooked properly, its hard, flaky, pinkish-white meat transforms into highly juicy.



The typical habitat of dentex is shallow water, less than 50 meters deep.



Dentex, also known as Common Dentex

Localized as Daathi

Dentex, scientific name


Catching Technique

Gillnets, hand lines, and bottom trawls are all used to catch dentex.


Physical Qualities

The body’s ovary, which is quite deep and compacted. The head’s profile is gently rounded in adults but virtually straight in young people. a small frontal decrease in those who are quite massive. Small eyes with a vast suborbital space. Falling cheeks; On the preamp, all but the anterior border, scales are visible. facedown and a little oblique.



When sexual maturity is reached, immature Dentex specimens become pink. Older individuals have blue-gray and darker markings that more or less spread with age.



The size range for Dentex fish is typically 1 kilogram to 5 kg. Other sizes are occasionally offered, though.


Cutting Favorites

All cutting is preferred to be done using Dentex.


Cutting Yields: Approx.

Whole: 100%

Gone: 82%

70% are headless and gutted

Cuts: 65%



Favorite Recipes

Dentex is preferable to deep frying and grilling.


Health Advantages

friendly to the heart.

Blood Pressure is Reduced.

increases immunity.

bolsters the bones.

betters the health of the skin and hair.

Keywords : Dentex Fish, Dentex , Daathi Fish, Dentex Fish Benefits

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Shipping & Delivery
Shipping delivery charges in Karachi 130-170
Another city delivery depends on locations
Delivery available through Bus, Train, and Plane